Here’s a little Q&A about me:
What’s a book you have read over and over again? Watership Down by Richard Adams.
Name a movie you have seen at least a dozen times. My Neighbor Totoro by Hayao Miyazaki (and a lot of the other Studio Ghibli films)
What’s a dish you are known for making? Cake. Specifically orange buttercream cake.
What is a surprising hidden talent you have? I can play the kazoo using only my hands and no kazoo.
What is your favorite place you have traveled to? When I was little, my parents took me to a little town in southern Germany called Dinkelsbühl. As legend has it, the town was once saved from invaders by a troupe of children. They still celebrate the event to this day. I was enchanted.
What was the first job you wanted as a kid? I wanted to be a ballerina until I took a dance class and found out I wasn’t a prodigy. I soon switched my dream job to being a lawyer. Or a private detective like Maddie on Moonlighting.
What is a food that you could eat every day and never tire of? Popcorn. Specifically movie theater popcorn with lots of butter.
What animal would you like to be if you knew you could be reincarnated as an animal? A capybara.
What is a weird piece of trivia that you know a lot about? The CIA once implanted radio listening devices into cats in an effort to spy on the KGB. The code name of the operation was Acoustic Kitty and it didn’t go very well.
What keeps you motivated? Wonder.