Biases and Blind Spots: The Role of Science in Gender Policing
The concept of gender policing is something that I wasn’t truly able to understand until adulthood. Discovering its influence on me was a bit like discovering that I have lived my whole life completely unaware that I had a “kick me” sign taped to my back.
Getting Uncomfortable: A Look at How Old Ideas are Still Holding Us Back
Gender differences (or lack thereof) are a hot topic these days, but we are a long way from equal rights and even further away from a genderless society.
Strong Enough to Survive: Bitch Planet and Embracing Intersectionality
Comic books and science fiction have long been at the forefront of creating social commentary, thanks in part to the play of space and time that is offered within each. Although both genres are frequently marginalized for a lack of complexity or seriousness, within the frames of the comic book or the pages of science fiction, there is a tremendous potential for communicating themes such as psychology, science, math, classic literature, technology, and political science.